About Us
The Linen Gallery is an independent, locally owned retailer and began serving clients in Omaha, Nebraska, USA
in 1994. The Linen Gallery was started to bring access to the
world's most acclaimed linen designers to local consumers using
knowledgeable staff. The Linen Gallery began selling online in the year 2000 and has handled over 10,000 sales throughout the U.S. -- either online, through email or via telephone orders.
The Linen Gallery is located in a beautiful new retail space in Countryside Village located at 87th & Pacific in Omaha.
The Linen Gallery
8723 Countryside Plaza
Omaha, NE 68114 USA
Email: Thelinengal@gmail.com
Store Hours for Customer Service:
Monday thru Friday 10:00 - 6:00 CST
Saturday 10:00 - 5:00 CST
Closed Sunday