

Classico is Sferra's veryfinest linen, woven in Italy with a border of delicate, refined hemstiching, eahc thread drawn and wrapped by hand, for the beauty of handwork married with the elegance of fine linen.  Available in white and ecru in a large number of sizes.  Also can be custom ordered in width sizes up to 120" (with no seam).



Size Dimensions Color Unit Price Quantity
Guest Towels
Set of 4 14 x 20 $103.00
Dinner/Set of 4 20 x 20" $134.00
Dinner/Set of 4 22 x 22" $147.00
Dinner/Set of 4 24 x 24" $178.00
Cocktail/set 6 6 x 6" $74.00
Cocktail/set 6 6 x 9" $79.00
Doilies/Set of 4 6" $95.00
Round/Set of 4 15" $147.00
Octagon/Set of 4 15" $277.00
Oval/Set of 4 13 x 19" $157.00
Oblong/Set of 4 13 x 19" $113.00
Square 90" $409.00
Round 90" $440.00
Round 70" $292.00
Round 106" $565.00
Round 120" $719.00
Oblong 66 x 106 $323.00
Oblong 66 x 124" $378.00
Oblong 66x140" $409.00
Oblong 66x160" $494.00
Oblong 88x106" $482.00
Oblong 88x124" $542.00
Oblong 88x140" $601.00
Oblong 88x160" $687.00
Oblong 66 x 180" $542.00

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